ONLINE COURSES | On-line, On-site, no difference!

by Alexandra Enache on 30/03/2020

Activitatea didactic? online în cadrul Universit??ii Româno-Americane s-a desf??urat prin utilizarea de c?tre cadrele didactice, studen?ii ?i masteranzii URA a platformei proprii Activitatea didactic? a putut fi completat?, în func?ie de specificul disciplinei, prin teme de cas?, lucr?ri de laborator ?i proiecte.

Microsoft Teams pentru sus?inerea activit??ii didactice online

URA continu? procesul de #OnlineLearning pe Microsoft Teams, cu extinderea urm?toarelor facilit??i:

  • realizarea de video-conferin?e, prin aplica?ia Microsoft Teams, la care cadrele didactice, studen?ii ?i masteranzii au acces gratuit prin adresele de email institu?ionale ( ?i;
  • alocarea de sarcini didactice personalizate c?tre studen?i ?i masteranzi, cu termen prestabilit de predare, prin op?iunea Assignments a aplica?iei Microsoft Teams;
  • discu?ii interactive de grup ?i individuale, în timp real, prin op?iunea Chat, disponibile în aplica?ia Microsoft Teams;
  • realizarea test?rii individuale / evalu?rii individuale, cu termen limitat de r?spuns, prin func?ionalitatea Quiz ?i Microsoft Forms, care s? permit? evaluarea cuno?tin?elor studen?ilor ?i masteranzilor;
  • planificarea activit??ii didactice online, conform orarului deja stabilit pentru activitatea didactic?, disponibil la;
  • definirea ?i exercitarea unui mecanism de control privind desf??urarea activit??ii didactice în regim online.


Microsoft Teams for Education s-a dovedit a fi un produs viabil pentru sus?inerea activit??ii didactice online, fiind implementat cu succes de numeroase universit??i prestigioase la nivel interna?ional. Mai multe detalii aici.

The online teaching activity within the Romanian-American University was carried out using the RAU platform by teachers, students and master students. The teaching activity was supplemented, according to the specificity of the discipline, with homework, lab work and projects.

Microsoft Teams to support the online teaching activity

RAU continues the #OnlineLearning using Microsoft Teams, with the extension of the following facilities:

  • conducting video conferences, through the Microsoft Teams application, to which teachers, students and masters have free access through their institutional email addresses ( and;
  • assigning personalized teaching tasks to students and master students, in accordance with a preset teaching slot, through the option Assignments of the Microsoft Teams application;
  • organizing and enhancing group interactions and individual discussions, in real time, through the Chat option, available in the Teams application;
  • conducting individual tests / individual assessments, with limited response time, through the Quiz and Microsoft Forms functionality, which allows the evaluation of both undergraduate and master students;
  • planning the online teaching activity, according to the schedule already established for the face-to-face teaching activity, available at;
  • defining and exercising a control mechanism for the online teaching activity.


Microsoft Teams for Education has proven to be a viable product for supporting online teaching activity, being successfully implemented by many prestigious international universities. More details here.


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