V? invit?m la un eveniment deosebit ce va avea loc joi, 18 aprilie 2019, de la ora 15:00, în Amfiteatrul A1, Etajul 1, laUniversitatea Româno-American?.
Evenimentul “GET your career started now!” este organizat de departamentul tehnic al VODAFONE România.
Vodafone Shared Services Europe is part of the Vodafone Group and operates in two EU countries as a commercial and IT HUB for Vodafone, serving as a center of excellence in Technology, Customer Service, Fraud, Security Services and Finance.
Graduate Engineer Trainee, or short GET, is 3 months paid internship program where you get a change to discover the newest technologies available at the tips of your fingers and have fun while learning the basics to build your future career.
Romanian-American University, 18th of April 2019, 15:00 o’clock, room A1.
- You will get the chance to meet our colleagues, learn more about our services, our vision and us.
- You will also get the chance to meet our GET Ambassadors you joined us after the end of the internship and had outstanding results.
- At the end we will provide you information regarding how you can apply and take the assessment tests.
- PS: we don’t come empty-handed
Participarea la eveniment se va considera Activitate Extracurricular?.