Program de internship “Become a Leader” / “Become a Leader” internship program

by Mihai Naghi on 19/02/2013

Camera de Comer? American? în România în parteneriat cu Univesitatea Româno-American? v? invit? s? aplica?i pentru programul de internship Become a Leader!.

Scopul programului este de a oferi o excelent? oportunitate celor tineri pentru a privi, interac?iona ?i înv??a de la unii dintre cei mai respecta?i oameni de afaceri din România. Aceast? experien?? va avea un impact semnificativ asupra perspectivelor ?i viziunii tinerilor în leg?tur? cu viitoarea lor carier? dorindu-se astfel crearea unei unit??i de gândire ?i viziune modern? în ceea ce prive?te viitorul acestei ??ri. Printre alte beneficii, participan?ii la acest internship vor fi remunera?i cu echivalentul în lei a 500 euro.

PERIOADA DE INTERNSHIP: 2 s?pt?mâni în perioada Martie – Mai 2013

C?UT?M: Studen?i – Anul 3-4 (licen??) sau 1 (masterat)

Toate aplica?iile trebuie mai întâi prezentate c?tre partenerii din cadrul Universit??ii Româno-Americane înainte de a fi trimise c?tre AmCham Romania.


Pentru aplica?ii ?i alte informa?ii:

Beneficii ?i alte detalii despre program g?si?i aici


The American Chamber of Commerce in Romania, in partnership with the Romanian-American University, is inviting you to apply for the internship program “Become a Leader!”.

The aim of the program is to give to those talents an unique opportunity to watch, interact and learn from top business elites in the country and with this gain a significant impact on own perspectives and visions related to future professional paths as we Romanian young minds together in order to think, vision and take ownership in regard to the future of the country. Among other benefits during this period, the participants will receive an equivalent in LEI, according to the rate of the National Bank of Romania, of 500 Euro.

INTERNSHIP TIMELINE: 2 weeks during March – May 2013

WE ARE LOOKING FOR: Students – 3rd – 4th year (Bachelor) and 1st year (Masters)

All application must be reviewed by the Romanian-American University before submitting them to the AmCham Romania. For application and details please contact:

APPLICATION DEAD LINE: 26th of February.

To apply or find out more information, please contact:

You can find more details about the program here.


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