ERASMUS Open Doors Day at the Romanian-American University

by Mihai Naghi on 23/05/2013

Dear students,

We have great news for you!

We would like to invite you to Erasmus Open Doors Day that will take place on the 30th of May 2013, 10:00 AM, at the Romanian American University (Bd. Expozi?iei, Nr. 1B), in Aula Magna.

There are many events and activities planned, important guest-speakers and a lot of fun, so we would like to share all of them with you.

Also, there will be a photo competition, so every student that is or was involved in an Erasmus mobility abroad, please send us a nice photo from Erasmus with a short description (at [email protected]).

Given that this is a national event, we are expecting international and Romanian students from many universities from all over the country

…and one more thing: don’t forget the URMA Concert at the end!

The agenda (in Romanian) for this event can be found here: click this link

…and here you can confirm you participation on our Facebook Event: click here

We hope to have you here with us.


{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Leona Z. Knox 29/05/2013 at 8:51 am

URA ofera stagii de pregatire la Toyota Motor Corporation in Japonia Universitatea Romano-Americana este singura universitate din Romania care ofera posibilitatea urmarii unor stagii de pregatire profesionala pentru studentii sai la Toyota Motor Corporation, in Toyota City, Japonia – in colaborare cu J-Wind Creative Consultants si creative library BUCURESTI inspired by TOYOTA. Oprea Geta, studenta in anul III la Facultatea de Relatii Comerciale si Financiar-Bancare Interne si Internationale, beneficiaza in acest moment de un stagiu de pregatire menit a se desfasura pe o perioada de trei luni.


Duncan N. Quinn 04/06/2013 at 8:46 am

URA ofera stagii de pregatire la Toyota Motor Corporation in Japonia Universitatea Romano-Americana este singura universitate din Romania care ofera posibilitatea urmarii unor stagii de pregatire profesionala pentru studentii sai la Toyota Motor Corporation, in Toyota City, Japonia – in colaborare cu J-Wind Creative Consultants si creative library BUCURESTI inspired by TOYOTA. Oprea Geta, studenta in anul III la Facultatea de Relatii Comerciale si Financiar-Bancare Interne si Internationale, beneficiaza in acest moment de un stagiu de pregatire menit a se desfasura pe o perioada de trei luni.


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