by Alexandra Enache on 15/10/2019

Modelul inovativ de afaceri ”Business Soul2$oul” a fost construit pentru a provoca liderii de business deschi?i s? ias? din vechile pattern-uri de func?ionare ?i s? creeze un nou cadru de business unde Omul este nucleul oric?rei afaceri de succes.

Atunci când alegem s? punem Omul în fruntea listei de indici de m?surare a performan?ei afacerii ?i ac?ion?m astfel încât s? îl men?inem ca prioritate principal?, Omul, în spe?? angajatul, va sus?ine cu implicare business-ul pentru care lucreaz?, iar Profitul va fi atins în mod natural.

Astfel se poate face Business Soul2$oul!”©

30 Oct. 2019, ora 13:30, Sala Senatului URA

Agenda evenimentului:

  1. Business Soul2$oul, modelul de afaceri pentru viitor, prezentat de c?tre Diana-Maria Georgescu, Business Optimization Expert ?i Fondator al comunit??ii WomenEsteem International ?i Adrian Lucian Moldovan, antreprenor holistic.
  2. Comunicarea Transforma?ional?, ca mijloc de conexiune s?n?toas? între oameni în mediul de afaceri, subiect prezentat de Mihaela Tatu, produc?tor ?i prezentator Radio-TV, membru de onoare al comunit??ii WomenEsteem International.
  3. Teoria oglinzilor în marca personal?, umanizarea conceptelor de marketing ?i comunicare de marc?, subiect prezentat de c?tre Monica Elena Le?an, Brand Awareness Mentor ?i membr? a comunit??ii WomenEsteem International.


”Business Soul2$oul model is an innovative tool, built especially to challenge the open-minded leaders to jump out of the old business patterns and create a new business environment where the People are the core of any successful business.

When you choose to put People first on your Key Performance Indicators’ list and take the right actions to keep it as main priority, the People will support your business and achieve the targeted Profit in a natural and harmonic way.

And that’s how Business Soul2$oul can be done!”©

30th of October 2019, 1:30 PM, RAU Senate Hall

Conference content:

  1. Business Soul2$oul, the business model of the future. Speakers Diana-Maria Georgescu, Business Optimization Expert & Founder of WomenEsteem International Community, and Adrian Lucian Moldovan, holistic entrepreneur.
  2. Transformational Communication as a healthy connection between People in business environment. Speaker Mihaela Tatu, producer and radio-TV presenter, honorific member of WomenEsteem International Community.

The mirrors theory in Personal Branding, humanizing the concepts of Marketing and Communication. Speaker Monica Elena Le?an, Brand Awareness Mentor and member of WomenEsteem International Community.


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